Multi-Life Disability

Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI)With compensation levels rising to an all time high, companies often struggle to adequately insure the income of their highest earning employees. Exceptional Risk Advisors provides corporate coverage to supplement a company’s in-force disability insurance program. Coverage is also available in situations where traditional carriers will not participate.

Exceptional Risk Advisors underwrites Multi-Life policies with as little as a short form application and a company census of employees.

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Coverage Includes
  • High Limit Disability – Limits to $100,000/Month
  • "Own Occupation" definition of coverage
  • 10-Year Benefit Payable Period
  • Premium Discounting
  • Simplified underwriting process
  • Custom tailored policies to mirror the existing traditional disability coverage
Case Studies
  • A worldwide advertising agency was unable to provide disability insurance for 70 managing directors that lived and worked overseas. Exceptional Risk Advisors placed a Multi-Life Disability policy providing permanent disability and accidental death coverage for all of the managing directors, with minimal underwriting.
  • Through a combination of individual disability and group LTD, an investment bank provided a maximum of $30,000 per month of disability insurance to all full time employees. For the highest earning managers and executives, this was an inadequate amount of coverage. Exceptional Risk Advisors designed a policy providing monthly benefits up to $50,000 per month for 55 of the highest earners.