Loss of License / Pilot Insurance

Pilot Insurance Loss of License There are very few occupations that are as demanding as that of a professional pilot. There are even fewer that impose the stringent health requirements demanded of every pilot. A slight medical deficiency can cause indefinite grounding, causing a loss of income and financial hardship.

Exceptional Risk Advisors provides Loss of License disability insurance to assist in providing an adequate disability estate for pilots. Coverage is tailored to meet an individual's unique profile and available above and beyond what traditional carriers offer.

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Coverage Includes
  • Monthly benefits up to $50,000
  • Elimination periods of 90, 180, and 365 days
  • Benefit periods up to 60 months or lump sum benefits options
  • Individual or Multi-Life Plans
  • Own Occupation definitions available
Case Studies
  • A pilot for a private family in his mid-40s flying a Challenger 300. Due to the small size of the company, the pilot had no Group Disability. Exceptional Risk Advisors secured $7,500/month of disability benefits for a 60-month period.